According to Dw-world’s report, 44% of the respondents consider the Fukushima accident to be accidental and believe that this accident would unlikely happen in Russia. 49% of the Russian, aged over 50, and 39% of the youth believe in the Russian nuclear technologies reliability.
Another 8% claimed that they consider the energy produced at the nuclear power plants to be more important than the accident potential danger. Thus, the ratio of the opponents of refusal from nuclear power in total comes up to 54 %. 14 % of the respondents found it difficult to formulate their attitude towards the nuclear power.
17% claimed about change of their attitude towards the nuclear power and that nuclear power plants had to be prohibited everywhere, another 17 % regarded it to be necessary to think over the Russian nuclear plants closure. 43 % admitted the nuclear power to be dangerous and 36 % found it to be secure.
The interview results show, that neither the Chernobyl accident, nor the Fukushima accident led to such an abrupt jump of the Russian nuclear power opponents number, such as in Germany, for example. As numerous interviews show, overwhelming majority of the Germans stands for refusal from the nuclear power usage as soon as possible.
The number of nuclear power plants opponents has not overbalanced the number of supporters, even in the eastern Russian regions, despite the greater proximity to the last nuclear accident place. Thus, for (though not significant) the majority of the Russians the peace atom will remain an acceptable energy source in the foreseeable future.