07 Марта 2025 | пятница | 05:21

Representatives of the SSM Sweden Supervisory Body have visited Kola NPP

Мая 17, 2011

The working visit of the specialists of SSM Swedish Agency for Radiation Safety was over.

The visit of the Swedish supervisory body was fully devoted to the discussion of the current and prospective projects now being realized at Kola NPP.
SSM Agency is authorized by the Swedish government to conduct the programs of technical assistance on the territory of Russia, including nuclear power plants.
SSM Project Manager Christer Ekblad told us about the past meeting: “Our collaboration with Kola NPP started in 1999. Upon the whole, more than ten projects were realized within these years. The television system assembled in the hermetic volume of power unit No.2 became the first joint project. One of the last year projects was installation of new “Hi-fog” fire extinguishing system.
Also prospective projects were discussed. The realization of one of them will start this year, it is the system of oil cleaning of the main circulating pumps and feed pumps of the primary cooling circuit. Also, this year a unique breaking machine, that will allow testing of physical and mechanical properties of metal and the approval of welding technologies, i.e. the tests of any metal for stretch, elbow and contraction strain, will be supplied to Kola NPP. As a rule, all the projects are financed by two parties - SSM and Kola NPP.
The protocol signature became the result of the meeting. In the collaboration between the Swedish supervisory body and Kola NPP the main accent will fall on the projects in the field of nuclear safety and radiation protection.
Ahead of the countries there is the continuation of the collaboration, the importance and success of which was underlined by the visit participants.
Kola NPP is a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC. The plant is located 200 km to the south of Murmansk on the bank of Lake Imandra. Power unit No.1 of Kola NPP was commissioned in 1973. Currently, the plant operates 4 power units with VVER-type reactors. Each reactor has capacity of 440 mW. Kola NPP supplies power for Murmansk region and Karelia.

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