04 Марта 2025 | вторник | 10:40

Smolensk NPP: the quality of the first power unit major repair has been highly estimated by specialists

Мая 26, 2011

The committee of Rosenergoatom Concern has been working at Smolensk NPP with the purpose of the first power unit major repair quality inspection.

The committee, presented by the leader –Director of Rosenergoatom Concern Department for Operation of NPPs with channel-type and fast reactors Alexander Bystrikov, Smolensk NPP Chief Engineer Alexander Vasilyev, representatives of the Concern Departments, Smolensk and Kola NPP specialists, inspected the quality of the power unit major repair.
The committee members estimated the equipment technical condition, checked up the account technological documents, drawn up after the major repair, and the condition of the repair area working places.
Summarizing the results of the repairing campaign, Head of Smolensk NPP Department for Repairs Preparation and Conduction Sergey Golik noted: “This repair has been unique and very difficult one. For the first time a large number of contractor and subcontractor organizations were involved in it. An enormous volume on the equipment and systems modernization was carried out within the shortest periods. Owing to the effective cooperated work of the plant specialists and the contractors, the good process organization, smoothly running collaboration of the repairing and operating personnel the repair was successfully accomplished and the power unit commission was performed on time”.
Basing upon the documents of acceptance, control and equipment testing the committee noted the good quality of the repair of Smolensk NPP power unit No. 1.
Smolensk NPP is a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC. Every year SNPP supplies to the country electric power system at the average about 20 bln kilowatt-hours of electric power equal to almost 13% of power generated in Rosenergoatom Concern and to more than 80% of that generated by the power plants of Smolensk region.

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