04 Марта 2025 | вторник | 13:11

Power Machines produce third runner for hydraulic unit of Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP

Июня 01, 2011

Power Machines have produced, tested and handed over to the customer’s representatives the third hydraulic turbine runner for one of the new hydraulic units of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP (SSh HPP).

The 145-ton turbine runner was accepted by the customer’s representatives, i.e. SoyuzExpertiza Autonomous Nonprofit Organization of the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry fully authorized by RusHydro to supervise equipment production externally.
Power Machines have produced, tested and handed over to the customer’s representatives the first set of two hydraulic turbine runners for SSh HPP’s hydraulic units Nos 1 and 7 this year.
So far Power Machines have manufactured and shipped hydraulic turbines and hydraulic generators equipment designated for the SSh HPP’s first two hydraulic units to the site. Production of the equipment for hydraulic units Nos 3 and 4 is in progress; assembly groups are dispatched as completed.
Transportation of the first set of heavy-weight equipment (incl. three new runners produced in 2011 plus three sets of large-size generator equipment) to the SSh HPP’s site is scheduled for summer 2011.
These new large-size and heavy-weight machines are to be transported to the SSh HPP the only possible way -  by water during the 2011, 2012 and 2013 summer navigation periods. Total length of the route is about 5,900 km. The heavy-weight assemblies designed for the SSh HPP’s hydraulic units will be taken aboard a river-sea vessel at the pier adjacent to Leningradsky Metallichesky Zavod (branch of Power Machines Group) in St. Petersburg. The vessel carrying the cargo will pass along the Ladoga Lake and the Onega Lake. It will sail through the White Sea-Baltic Sea Canal to enter the White Sea and will further pass along the Northern Sea Route and the Yenisei River to reach Krasnoyarsk. At the Krasnoyarsk River Port the cargo is to be reloaded to a river-craft that will bypass the Krasnoyarskaya HPP’s boat lift and ship the cargo to the pier (transfer point) at the Mainskaya HPP’s tailbay. Following that, the new hydraulic unit assemblies are to be shipped to the SSh HPP’s erection site by automotive vehicles.
The contract to produce basic power equipment for the overhaul of Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP was signed by Power Machines and RusHydro in November 2009. Under this contract, Power Machines are to manufacture ten hydraulic turbines and nine hydraulic generators rated at 640 MW each, as well as six excitation systems. Power Machines’ specialists will also provide installation services for the supplied  equipment,, including supervised installation and commissioning. The contract value amounts to RUR 11.7 bln (exclusive of VAT). In the current year, Power Machines are to produce hydraulic power equipment for five hydraulic units of the plant under restoration.
The new hydraulic units’ service life will be extended up to 40 years, with the maximum turbine efficiency of 96.6%. Its power and cavitation characteristics will also be enhanced. The turbines will be equipped with an advanced process safeguard system, which automatically shuts down a unit in case of unacceptable mode deviations in parameters being monitored.
As part of activities aimed at renewing those hydraulic units that remained relatively undamaged after the accident at the SSh HPP, Power Machines have previously manufactured and supplied to the power plant excitation system equipment sets for hydraulic units Nos 6, 5, 4 and 3 as well as a new hydraulic generator to replace that of damaged hydraulic unit No 3. Hydraulic units Nos 6 and 5 retrofitted and were put into service ahead of the established schedule – in February-March 2010. In compliance with the SSh HPP Overhaul Program approved by the RF Ministry of Energy, hydraulic units Nos 4 and 3 were launched in August and December 2010.
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