04 Марта 2025 | вторник | 15:29

Rosatom Has Prepared the Project of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety Provision for 2016–2020” Subprogram

Июня 03, 2011

On June 1–3, Rosatom State Corporation will hold public hearings of the project of “Nuclear and Radiation Safety Provision for 2016–2020” subprogram of the “Development of Nuclear Power Industrial Complex” Federal target program.

The branch specialists prepared the subprogram project. It will be discussed with participation of the representatives of Federal and regional governmental authorities, business and public, and will become the beginning of a two-year work on the subprogram preparation for ratification. The Program of Provision of nuclear and radiation safety for 2016–2020 is the continuation of the existing Federal purposive program called “Provision of Nuclear and Radiation Safety for 2008 and the period up to 2015”.
Among the main tasks of the new subprogram there is creation of up-to-date nuclear exhausted fuel, radioactive wastes and decommissioning managing systems, excluding the shifting of the accumulated problems on the new generation’s shoulders; and also the decision of not less than 40% of the problems accumulated earlier. At the expense of the works on transferring of the wasted nuclear fuel accumulated in the temporary storages (at the NPPs or in research centres) to recycle or to centralized long-time storages, the quantity of nuclear and radiation wastes is planned to be reduced by more than 50%.
At that the infrastructure should provide acceptance of the spent nuclear wastes, both earlier accumulated and being the federal property, and the newly appearing ones as a result of legal entities’ activity. In the last case all the expenses connected with the nuclear and radiation wastes management should be covered by their owners. In case of the events’ successful realization in the period up to 2020, the full reload of the spent fuel, earlier accumulated at NPPs and research centres, and its partial recycling (up to 30%) are predicted.
The volumes of the spent nuclear wastes, placed in dry centralized storages, will be equal to 7.25 thousand tones (of heavy metal). The new subprogram presupposes decommissioning of 118 nuclear and radiation dangerous facilities and performance of the works on decommissioning preparation of 300 facilities. Besides, the creation of a system of points of radioactive wastes disposal, providing the acceptance of newly formed and earlier accumulated radioactive wastes to disposal, is planned. The ground disposal of newly formed volumes of hard radioactive wastes is expected to become equal with the volumes of their formation (for the exception of highly active wastes). The deep ground disposal total volume will be equal to 50 thousand cubic meters.

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