The new Board of Directors staff in quantity of 9 persons has been elected. The basic shareholders representatives were included into the staff, i.e. OJSC "Perm Engine Company" and OJSC "UIC "Oboronprom".
Limited Liability Company "Technical Research Center of Military-Industrial Complex Enterprises" (LLC "Technical Research Center Audit") has been confirmed as the company auditor.
OJSC "Perm Motors" shareholders approved a considerable deal, equaling to 85,44% of OJSC "Perm Motors" book value of assets on the date of 01.01.2011, as a sum of interconnected deals of blocks of shares / companies participatory shares alienation belonging to OJSC "Perm Motors" (OJSC "Upravlenie - PM", CJSC "Reforma -PM", OJSC "Obshejitiya - PM", LLC "Rassvet - PM") with balance value of 1 177 788 245 rubles.
The shareholders that have not taken part in voting or those who voted "against" in respect of the issue that has been on the meeting agenda have the right of demanding to buyout of all or fractional shares of OJSC "Perm Motors" which belong to them.