Rosenergoatom Concern General Director Sergey Obozov met him in the Crisis Centre. Deputy General Director – Director on NPPs Production and Operation Alexander Shutikov, Deputy Director on NPPs Production and Operation – Director of the Department for Emergency Response Readiness and Radiation Protection Vladimir Khlebtsevich, took part in the meeting on the part of Concern; Head of the Department on Nuclear Plants’ Safety Regulation Mikhail Miroshnichenko appeared on the part of Rostekhnadzor.
In the course of the visit, Alexander Shutikov in a very detailed way informed Nikolay Kutyin about Rosenergoatom Concern emergency response system. In addition, the Concern Heads answered multiple questions about the specifics of Russian nuclear plants safety provision. In particular, they were touching upon the interrelation of various services in case of emergencies, about the work of emergency centres at NPPs etc.
The parties’ dialogue went on during the excursion on Crisis Centre subdivisions. Having attended expert groups’ hall and OPAS (NPPs’ emergency response rendering group) archival depository, dispatch office and other subdivisions of the Crisis Centre, Nikolay Kutyin highly estimated their technical equipment and the level of the Concern specialists’ emergency response overall.
Summarizing the meeting results, Rostekhnadzor Head expressed the hope that the unique system allowing Russian atomists to work in a united information space in the real time mode will also be eventually spread at the NPPs now being constructed by the native specialists abroad.
In addition, Nikolay Kutyin noted that again Rosenergoatom Concern had proved its high level of the Russian NPPs’ emergency response.