04 Марта 2025 | вторник | 18:02

Gazprom to consider early relocation of Kaluga GDS

Июня 09, 2011

The Gazprom headquarters hosted a working meeting between Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Company's Management Committee and Anatoly Artamonov, Governor of the Kaluga Oblast. The parties addressed the issues related to the gas supply facilities construction in the region.

It was noted that Gazprom would consider the opportunities for early completion of work on moving the Kaluga gas distribution station (GDS) outside the Oblast capital ahead of schedule – in 2011 (planned for 2012). Moreover, the Company is deliberating on accelerated reconstruction of a gas lateral and the Maloyaroslavets GDS as soon as in 2011–2012.
The meeting also discussed gasification of the Kaluga Oblast. A decision was taken that Gazprom would review the expediency of building six additional inter-settlement gas pipelines in 2011 within the region.
Gazprom and the Kaluga Oblast Government signed the open-ended Cooperation Agreement in November 2001 and the Gasification Accord in furtherance of the Agreement – in 2002. In 2010 the parties entered into the Agreement on wider use of natural gas as a motor fuel.
Between 2002 and 2010 Gazprom invested RUB 3.1 billion in the regional gasification. Over these years the joint efforts by the Company and the Oblast Government increased the regional gasification level to 78.8 per cent (by 15.9 per cent) including to 87.8 per cent (by 9.9 per cent) in cities and towns and to 52.2 per cent (26.8 per cent) in the rural area. The identical figures throughout Russia average 63.2, 67.5 and 45.5 per cent accordingly. In 2011 Gazprom is going to allocate RUB 87 million for the Kaluga Oblast gasification.

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