A rating of business transperancy allows to compare enterprises and companies in respect to fundamental indicator of ecology and energy efficiency of industrial processes. Voluntary disclose of information by companies in the context of preparation of this rating is an evidence of the fact that they are ready to bear responsibility for the results of their production activities and carry on a dialogue with community.
JSC "Slavneft-YANOS" places high emphasis on activities concerning decrease of production impact on environment. A annual program of environment protection is annually implemented at JSC "Slavneft-YANOS". The program provides a complex of protection measures of atmosphere air, water sources, land.
Ecological component is mandatory considered at development of enterprise modernization, construction of new and revamp of the active production facilities.
Since 2007 JSC "Slavneft-YANOS" in conformity to plan has realized activities in the context of the project related to sanitary-protection area of the Southern industrial centre. Of Yaroslavl. JSC "Slavneft-YANOS" is an active participant of the city target program "Decrease of man's impact on the environment of Yaroslavl in 2009-2011".
For the period from 2006 till 2010 the total expenses of JSC "Slavneft-YANOS" for implementation of nature conservative measures have comprised 1.4 billion roubles.