It said a decision on the review of the tariffs, which Nersa was due supposed to approve tomorrow, has now been postponed to the middle month June. The renewable energy feed-in tariffs are a mechanism to support the deployment of renewable energy technology. The tariffs are usually guaranteed over a fixed period of time and will be used by the proposed new entity due that will to replace Eskom in will buy buying renewable energy for public use at as a metre for favourable rates. The delay in the announcement of the revised tariffs means that the renewable energy industry must wait a little longer before knowing the extent to which Nersa will change the feed-in tariffs. At Nersa’s recent public hearings on the review of the tariffs, several representatives of the renewable energy sector have expressed their anxiety over the possible changes to the renewable energy feed-in tariffs. They said the move would erode investor confidence. In 2009 Nersa announced feed-in tariffs for biomass, concentrated solar without storage, photovoltaic (PV), concentrating photovoltaic, concentrated solar power. The tariffs, which went as high as R3,94/kWh in the case of photovoltaic power, were deemed adequate in stimulating enough to stimulate investment in the renewable energy industry. Last year Nersa revealed that it was reviewing the rates due to diminished circumstances in the trading environment. Nersa said it was currently analysing and consolidating all information received from "stakeholders" during the recent public participation process on the tariffs. "A total of 200 written comments were received and more than 40 presentations were given during the public hearings held on May 2011. The decision will be announced around mid June 2011," Nersa said. In its proposals, contained in a March consultation paper, Nersa wants to slash the tariffs for the different technologies. For instance it wants to reduce the tariff for photovoltaic by as much as 41,3%.