A special focus will be on the project’s investment constituent.
The international seminar will be moderated by Director General of the Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of Finland (STUK) Jukka Laaksonen; its participants are representatives of more than 40 national nuclear regulatory authorities from Russia, Sweden, Slovakia, Norway, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and other countries, as well as diplomatic officials, IAEA, and the European Council Parliamentary Assembly. Also, the seminar will be attended by Deputy Director General of ROSATOM Kirill Komarov, Head of Design Group of INTER RAO UES Maxim Kozlov and representatives of the Europe’s leading utilities.
The seminar venue is St. Petersburg hotel Ambassador (5-7 Rimsky-Korsakov Prospekt). Participants’ registration if opened on June 14 at 9.00-10.00. The seminar starts at 10.00.
The seminar participants’ technical tour is scheduled for June 15. The target is the construction site of Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant Phase Two which is similar to Baltic NPP.
For information: Baltic Nuclear Power Plant is being built in the territory of Kaliningrad Region to the AES-2006 Project. The plant will include to power units. Its design service life is 50 years, with critical equipment can operated for 60 years. The first power unit is planned to put on line in 2016 and the second one in 2018. The plant is intended for electricity supplies to Kaliningrad Region and power exports.