The Astaninskaya CHP-2 plant is designed to provide heat and electricity for consumers in the capital of Kazakhstan, as well as to supply steam for industrial companies.
The scope of work to be fulfilled by COTES covers preliminary examination of existing automation systems and development of design estimates for the unit control system. Upgraded control system will fulfill several functions: gathering and logging of information on the operation of the unit, controlling of control and shutoff valves, auxiliary mechanisms, transfer of information into all-station system in order to calculate technical and economic performance of the power plant, etc.
The main feature of the project is the fact that the automation system will be installed in a range-type power plant. The power plant consists of six coal-fired boilers BKZ 420-140-5, three turbogenerators PT 80/100-130/13 and one turbogenerator T120/130130-8.
It is planned that one of the leaders in the world market of engineering services for power industry – Poyry (Finland) - will be involved in design work.