05 Марта 2025 | среда | 00:21

In January–March 2011, coal output of DTEK enterprises amounted to 5.8 mln tonnes, which is an 8.2% increase YoY

Июня 16, 2011

In the first quarter 2011 DTEK Mine Komsomolets Donbassa has broken its previous record. Furthermore, the Company boasts one of the highest labor productivity in the industry – 94.4 tonnes per person (Q1 2010 – 84.9 tonnes per person).

In the first quarter 2011 DTEK Pavlogradugol has raised in coal output up to 6,7% due to higher average load on the operating breakage faces, improved work arrangement and application of high-tech coal-mining technologies at the mines.
ROM coal processing has increased by 13.4% YoY to make 3.08 mln tonnes. Concentrate output has also increased by 9.8% to make 1.85 mln tonnes.
In the first quarter 2011 DTEK has exported 784,400 tonnes of coal. In Q1 2010 coal exports amounted to about 30,000 tonnes on the back of high domestic demand. The export operations notable increase was resulted from systemic efforts of DTEK Trading to find new markets (Turkey, Bulgaria, Italy and others), to develop partnerships with Ukrainian coal mining companies and favourable market conditions. At the same time, coal imports over the three months of this year dropped by 41% to 196,000 tonnes YoY due to declined electricity exports and by nuclear and hydro power stations increased output.
DTEK is the largest privately-owned vertically-integrated energy company in Ukraine, with efficient enterprises that mine and prepare coal as well as operate on electrical power generation and supply markets. The Company is the energy division of System Capital Management (SCM), one of Ukraine’s leading financial and industrial groups.
The coal business of DTEK includes DTEK Pavlogradugol (consisting of 10 coal mines), DTEK Dobropolyeugol (5 mines), DTEK Mine Komsomolets Donbassa and five coal preparation plants.
The power generation business of DTEK is represented by Eastenergo (Vostokenergo) and the associated companies Dneproenergo, where DTEK owns 47.55%, and Zapadenergo, where DTEK together with affiliate companies holds 25.06%.
Service-Invest, DTEK Energougol ENE and the associated Donetskoblenergo Company, where DTEK holds 30.6%, represent the electricity sales and supply business of DTEK.
DTEK also holds a 39.98% stake in Kievenergo, a company generating and supplying heat and electricity.

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