The project safety, seismic resistance and resistance to external exposure, manoeuvrability and a wide range of rationing, and in the prospects reduction of the district rates for heat and electric power in connection with appearance of new generating capacities and competition exasperation in the market are referred to the project’s advantages.
One more point that is positive for the district in connection with the placing of FNNPP in Vilyuchinsk planned for 2013 is realization of the events on reduction of the floating plant’s influence over water biological resources, planned by Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC. Here we speak not only of modern highly effective fish protecting equipment installation, but also of the events aimed at reproduction of blueback fishes in the Close and Far lakes.
As the “round table” participants noted, due to irresponsible human activity the fish population had been significantly reduced in 90s. At that it was not the result of technogenic influence, but that of illegal fishery.
“Having realized the measures on reproduction of blueback fishes in the Close and Far Lakes, we will solve two problems at once: recover the population of blueback fish and work out the methods of fish production improvement in the territory of Kamchatka”, Head of KamchatskNIRO FSUE Laboratory Evgeny Pogodaev noted. “The point of the event is to increase the fodder resources at the expense of biogenous events and also to reduce the load on the juvenile fishes of blueback by means of reduction of both the populations of alimentary competitors and vultures”.
According to the estimation given by Kamchatka scientists with an account of anthropogenic influence and illegal fishing pressing, the reproduction of blueback fishes’ population could be dragged out for 20 years. But in case of the project of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC and KamchatNIRO FSUE realization the population will restore already two generations or six or seven years later.
“This is the most optimal way of compensational reproduction of the population”, Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC affiliated company Directorate of the FNTPPs Under Construction Deputy Director Mikhail Shurochkov noted. “And we are ready to view this project as a pilot one, because we are planning not less than seven FNTPPs in the Russian series”.
Rosenergoatom representatives also agreed with the proposal of the district scientific community to introduce ecological monitoring related to FNTPP activity – this practice has been worked out by the Concern at all Russian plants.