05 Марта 2025 | среда | 07:33

Statoil: Low-pressure production on Njord

Июня 23, 2011

Statoil and its partners in the Njord licence in the Norwegian Sea have decided to invest in low-pressure field production. This, combined with other measures, will prolong the lifetime of the field until 2020.

Reservoir pressure on Njord is falling and the field has entered tail-end production. By lowering the pressure on the first and second stage separators it will be possible to increase production from individual wells and maintain production in each for an extended period.
“Owing to the complexity of the Njord reservoir the recovery rate of proven resources is currently roughly 23%. The aim is to increase the recovery rate to 30%. This type of measure is important with a view to maintaining production on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS),” states Ivar Aasheim, head of NCS field development.
There is currently a great deal of activity in the Njord area. The Njord northwest flank project six kilometres northwest of the Njord platform is now being carried out. It consists of two new long-distance wells drilled directly from Njord and tied back to the platform.
Several wells will be drilled in coming years. In addition, Hyme fast-track is being processed via Njord.
“In combination with the low-pressure production project these measures will prolong the lifetime of Njord until 2020,” explains Njord production head Arve Rennemo.
The low-pressure production project on Njord will boost volumes by roughly 18.5 million barrels of oil equivalents alone and extend the field’s working life by two to three years.
Investments in low-pressure production amount to roughly NOK 500 million.
The contracts for Njord low-pressure production modification and the Hyme topside has been awarded to Reinertsen. The contract for compressor procurement and installation was awarded in March of this year to GE Oil & Gas.
Project execution will take place in the autumn of 2012 and the start-up of low pressure production on Njord is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2012.

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