05 Марта 2025 | среда | 07:33

INTER RAO UES held its Annual General Meeting for shareholders

Июня 25, 2011

Shareholders approved the Annual Report and Annual Financial Statements of INTER RAO UES. Annual General Meeting decided to distribute 2010 INTER RAO UES net profit of RUB 2,704,427 thousand as follows:

Allocate RUB 135.221 million to Capital Reserve
Allocate RUB 1.968 bn to innovative projects including R&D
Use RUB 451.165 million to offset losses carried forward
Distribute dividends of RUB 150.015 million

The General Meeting decided to pay dividend of RUB .00001544 per common share of INTER RAO UES for financial year 2010. Dividends will be paid to all shareholders no later than on August 23, 2011.
Annual General Meeting elected the Board of Directors and the Audit Commission of INTER RAO UES.
Shareholders elected the following Board of Directors:
Vladimir DMITRIEV, Chairman of the State Corporation "Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)"
Evgeny DOD, Chairman of the Management Board, RusHydro
Boris KOVALCHUK, Chief Executive of INTER RAO UES
Vyacheslav KRAVCHENKO, Chief Executive of Obyedinyonnaya Energosbytovaya Kompaniya
Grigory KURTSER, President of Vserossiyskiy Bank Razvitiya Regionov (RRDB)
Alexander LOKSHIN, Deputy CEO and Director of Nuclear Energy Systems Directorate, State Corporation "Rosatom"
Yury PETROV, Director of Federal Agency for State Property Management
Kirill SELEZNYOV , Member of Executive Team and Head of Gas and Liquid Hydrocarbons Marketing and Processing Department, Gazprom
Vladimir STRZHALKOVSKY, President and CEO, GMK Norilsky Nickel
Denis FEDOROV, Head of Department for Development and Marketing of the Electricity Sector, Gazprom; Chief Executive, Tsentrenergoholding; Chief Executive of Gazprom Energoholding
Dmitry SHUGAEV, Deputy Chief Executive of State Corporation Rostekhnologii
Positions of Directors are indicated as of the time of their nomination. List of Board nominees was created on March 9, 2011, as proposed by shareholders owning at least 2 % of voting shares in INTER RAO UES.
INTER RAO UES appointed OOO Ernst & Young as its auditor.
Annual General Meeting also approved the new edition of Board Meeting Policy and made amendments to the Corporate Charter.
Additionally, shareholders approved a number of related-party transactions.

Адрес: 115114 Россия,
620137 г. Екатеринбург, ул. Студенческая, д. 1 корп. 3
Тел. / факс  (343) 345-09-72
г. Москва, 1-й Дербеневский переулок, д. 5 тел. (495) 287-98-51
E-mail: info@energyland.info
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