According to test results was signed certificate of acceptance, that all the controlled parameters meet norms. Further equipment will be balanced, dismantled, packed and shipped to customers in July.
Also in production for the 8th unit of Kanev HPP are wicket gates, which in July will be assembled, tested and submitted to the customer. Commissioning of turbines is scheduled for autumn this year.
At Kanev HPP "Turboatom" is modernizing horizontal bulb turbines with installing a new runner with updated blading and wicket gates, equipped with blades of improved profile. A total at this plant enterprise upgraded 10 units of 24 units, the 11th turbine is under manufacturing.
The scope of obligations of "Turboatom" includes design, manufacturing, supervision of erection and technical control over start-up works.
After the reconstruction capacity of hydro unit will increase from 19.2 MW to 23 MW, efficiency will increase by 4%, and also increase reliability and durability of the turbine. The total plant capacity will increase by 91 MW and will be 552 MW.
Kanev HPP is the second stage of HPP series on Dnepr River, which consists of eight HPPs with total capacity about 4 million kW. At this series 93 turbines are under operation 90 of which were supplied by OJSC “Turboatom." Reconstruction of stations Dnieper HPP series enterprise performs since 1996.