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The second unit of Tianwan NPP constructed by Atomstroyexport in China is connected to the grid after the scheduled repair

Июня 27, 2011

Tianwan NPP unit No. 2 (PRC) constructed by Atomstroyexport JSC, a company of State Corporation Rosatom, is connected to the grid after completion of the scheduled preventive repair. It was the fourth scheduled-preventive repair carried out from the beginning of the plant commercial operation.

It was made at unit No. 2 qualitatively and ahead of the schedule: for 39.2 days instead of scheduled 43 days. It was the shortest scheduled preventive repair at Tianwan NPP since 2007.
The first power unit of Tianwan NPP was connected to the power grid of PRC after the scheduled preventive repair on April 18, 2011 also ahead of the schedule. The repair at the power unit No. 1 lasted for 48 days, two days less than the scheduled time.
The first phase of Tianwan NPP (units 1, 2) was constructed by Atomstroyexport JSC in order to implement the Intergovernmental Agreement between RF and PRC concerning cooperation in construction of a nuclear power plant in PRC. The plant was commissioned in 2007. On April 15, 2010 the acts of final acceptance of
Tianwan NPP units 1 and 2 were signed. Thus the Chinese customer confirmed that the general contractor – Atomstroyexport – in full volume and qualitatively had fulfilled all the tasks set before it. Tianwan NPP functions with good performance indicators and possesses state-of-the-art and technologically effective safety systems. Implementation of Tianwan NPP project provided Atomstroyexport JSC with the most important references: at present Atomstroyexport is the only company in the world having in its portfolio the operating power units of new generation.
The first phase of Tianwan NPP includes two power units with reactor plants VVER 1060 MW electric capacity each. Technically Tianwan NPP is a unique combination of the best Russian and European technologies, and complies with all international regulations for nuclear and radiation safety. The reactor building is protected by double containment: the internal hermetic containment excludes radiation emission into the environment, and the external containment is intended for the reactor protection from undesirable external impacts. A trap installed under the reactor shell is intended for retention and cool down of melted core. In case of an accident it is provided for the melted core to fill the trap and not to destroy the foundation under the shell and reactor building. The trap has a unique technical solution with no analogs in the world NPP construction practice. China has become the first country possessing such device. The trap design developed by Russian engineers had been successfully examined by supervision authorities of Russia and China and had been approved by IAEA. A four-channel structure of safety systems is implemented at the plant, a combination of active and passive safety devices is applied, a digital monitoring and control system is in operation.

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