05 Марта 2025 | среда | 22:31

Leningrad NPP: representatives of EMERCOM have highly estimated the nuclear plant emergency preparedness

Июня 28, 2011

A scheduled educational and methodical meeting of the heads of radiation, chemical and biological protection services of Russian EMERCOM district centres, which are located in all the seven Federal districts of the Russian Federation – North-West, Central, Ural, South, Volga, Siberia and Far East, was held on the basis of Leningrad NPP.

Representatives of Russian EMERCOM Central Office were among the participants as well.
The visit to LNPP took place on the second day of the meeting and was held in St. Petersburg. Head of the Department of Mobilization Training, Civil Defense in Emergency Situations of Leningrad NPP Viktor Ivanov noted: “We were ordered to conduct several practical classes on such branches as organization of management and communication, notification of employees and population in case of radiation accident, organization of personnel defense in case of radiation accident, fire extinguishing in one of the power units or transformers under the conditions of radiation pollution”.
In the whole, the demonstration of LNPP readiness was performed in six places. ZPUPDs (defended rooms of emergency response actions control) in the city and the nuclear plant were shown in the course of the day. During acquaintance with them the representatives of Leningrad NPP demonstrated the operation of the communication system, having noted that various means of communication were used at the nuclear plant – telephone, direct, departmental, facsimile, mobile, governmental, satellite connection, video conferences and, of course, electronic mail.
The specialists of Radiation Safety Department made the meeting participants acquainted with the working principles of the automated system of radiation control, demonstrated the programs, with the help of which the atmosphere and environment are monitored.
The participants of the educational and methodical meeting also attended the shelter for the personnel for 1,200 people, accepted into operation in 2010. As Viktor Ivanov noted, according to the concept of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC, at present all the similar shelters at nuclear plants were constructed due to the typical project (for 1200 or 600 people). Fulfilling the tasks set for the meeting period, LNPP also demonstrated the work of fire calculations and the groups of radiation and chemical reconnaissance.
LNPP UPGO (education room of civil defense), where an example of the deactivation of personnel and equipment delivered from the area of radioactive pollution was shown, became one more point of emergency response opportunities’ demonstration.
According to Viktor Ivanov, upon the whole the practical training was conducted successfully, and the educational purposes were fulfilled. During the excursion to the power unit the meeting participants made sure that much in the direction of emergency preparedness constant perfection is done at Leningrad NPP.

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