06 Марта 2025 | четверг | 06:50

Swedish Experts Have Assessed Current Situation on B1 Project

Сентября 20, 2011

А president of Swedish nuclear energy company SKB International AB Claes Lindberg and vice president Hans Johansson visited SE Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (INPP) and assessed current situation of B1 project (Interim Spent Fuel Storage Facility).

It was done according to the signed contract with European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) which was appointed as administrator by International Ignalina Decommissioning Support Fund (IIDSF).
During the assessment of the situation Swedish experts met with INPP leading and technical specialists as well as with GNS-Nukem leading and technical specialists of B1 project, visited B1 construction site and spent fuel ponds halls.
Yet on 8 April INPP informed European Commission (EC), contractor GNS-Nukem and EBRD representatives that since the signing of the contract in 2005, safety issues of B1 execution are unresolved. During the Donors' Conference EC has set a requirement to invoke international consultants in case of failure of finding mutual agreement on further B1 project implementation.
On 14 September in London SKB International AB and EBRD are organizing a meeting concerning preliminary accomplished assessment of the situation and further detailed work timetable. Final report of Swedish experts should be submitted during the next Donors' Assembly at the end of this year.

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