06 Марта 2025 | четверг | 07:02

Fulvio Conti speaks at the united nations on the need for broadening electricity acces for the world

Сентября 22, 2011

Yesterday, in New York City, Fulvio Conti CEO and General Manager of Enel, spoke at the United Nations on the occasion of their Private Sector Forum, part of the Global Compact initiative.

Speaking to an audience of Head of States and governments, chief executives, civil society leaders and Head of UN Agencies and chaired by the UN General Secretary Ban Ki Moon, Fulvio Conti presented the Group’s contribution to the big challenge launched by the United Nations and named “ Sustainable Energy for All.”
Within the next 30 years it is estimated that BRICs (Brazil, India and China) will boost their energy demand by 70% and also in Africa power demand is expected to grow by an additional 30%. “We should not forget that still 1.4 billion people today have no access at all to power and a further billion people cannot access it on a permanent basis” Fulvio Conti commented.
To tackle his huge hunger for energy, power generation and distribution should be made more environmentally sustainable. Enel is already committed to provide its 61 million customers with cleaner and more sustainable electricity through the Group’s operations across 40 countries. “Indeed today around 46% of the energy generated by Enel is carbon free and 32% of its fuel mix is made up by renewables such as hydro, geothermal, wind, solar and biomass” the CEO of Enel highlighted.
R&D at Enel is committed to deliver efficiency through energy projects in from both traditional power sources and renewables such as “Archimede” solar-thermodynamic plant also working in the dark, mini hydro as well as small wind projects, hybrid systems combining different technologies (geothermy with photovoltaic) and the “Diamante” project which embodies solar generation and storing hydrogen generation at night.
Several other initiatives made in Enel on distributed generation and more specifically addressed to isolated communites of emerging regions (Maghreb and Latin America) have already enabled over 1 million households to access energy. “As member of the Global Compact LEAD initiative, the commitment we have taken today and that we named ENabling ELectricity is to double this figure in the next three years . As our experience proves – concluded Fulvio Conti in his speech - only an effective cooperation among international organizations such as the UN, governments policies and private companies can bring to extraordinary achievements, unconceivable only a few years ago.”


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