06 Марта 2025 | четверг | 12:33

CPC: 10 million manhours without incidents

Ноября 02, 2011

CPC has loaded 250 tankers ten months into the year and over 2,500 tankers since the start of operations, with 270 MT of crude oil shipped to international oil markets.

Incident-free uninterrupted operation of the mainline pipeline is supported by highly qualified personnel, high-tech equipment and advanced control systems.
The consortium marked a very important milestone in process safety this October by achieving a total of 10 million manhours without lost time incidents for CPC and contractors combined. That success came as a result of CPC applying high safety standards on a daily basis.

CPC has historically placed a lot of focus on occupational health and industrial safety. In early 2010 CPC received an OHSAS 18001:2007 certificate based the outcome of an independent audit of CPC’s occupational health and industrial safety management system. Started in July 2011, the CPC Expansion Project sets a new performance benchmark for CPC and its contractors. Both CPC and the contractors have introduced an Incident & Injury Free program which has a good track-record in international practice. Strict adherence to its principles is a critical requirement for Expansion Project activities.
International standards, professionalism and responsibility of CPC and contractor personnel assure that in future CPC will continue striving towards effective combination of high performance standards, environmental friendliness and work safety.

The CPC pipeline system is the largest investment project with foreign capital in the CIS. The length of the pipeline connecting oil fields in Western Kazakhstan with the Marine Terminal in Novorossiysk is 1,511 km. CPC’s Marine Terminal is equipped with Single Point Moorings that allow to load tankers safely at a significant distance offshore, including bad weather conditions.

The CPC project was originally developed with a view to future increase of its initial capacity by 2.5 times up to 67 MTA (76 MTA with DRA). The total amount of investment into the Expansion project will equal USD 5.4 bn. The expansion is planned to be completed in 2015. The CPC expansion is a necessary condition for complete fulfillment of the project's economic potential in the interests of Russia, Kazakhstan and the Shareholder companies.

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