Company consistently implements Achimov Unified Technical Development Plan: the first well at pad 2-17 was commissioned at Vostochno-Urengoiskiy LA on October 9, 2011. As of December 1, 2011, this well produced around 17 mln. cu. m of gas. The second well will be commissioned before the end of this year. TNK-BP's investments in Achimov gas production project in 2011 will amount to 66 mln. USD.
Alexandr Sleptsov, Director of TNK-BP Gas Projects Department, said "Increase of investments in development of Rospan's Achimov deposit with remaining recoverable reserves of around 700 bcm of gas of categories ABC1 + C2 is an important stage in implementation of TNK-BP's gas strategy. In 2012 another 7 wells will be commissioned in Vostochno-Urengoiskiy license area and 3 wells will be producing in Novo-Urengoiskiy license area which will allow not only to maintain achieved gas and condensate production level in the next year but it also lay foundation for subsequent production".