According to statistics of situation report by Central Control Administration of the Fuel and Energy Complex, State Company, there had been exported 188,099 million tons of Russian raw products to far-abroad countries via TRANSNEFT JSC’s system. In particular, the following volumes were dispatched: via Novorossiysk port (including transit volumes) - 43,185 million tons, via Tuapse – 3,746 million tons, via Kosmino – 15,199 million tons, via Primorsk – 70,027 million tons. Deliveries of raw products to Russian oil-processing plants via TRANSNEFT system were increased by 4,388 million tons in relation to the plan for 2011 and were evaluated as much as 233,388 million tons.
According to the Company’s information, the income from rendering regulated services may increase by 11 per cent in 2012 in comparisonwith the plan indicators of the current year, and would amount 482,6 billion RUR. The aggregate capacity of transshipment, discharge, loading, delivery and acceptance points should increase by 6 per cent, and should amount 528,4 million tons per year, the total volume of tank farm – by 3 per cent, up to 17,8 million cubic meter, the length of pipelines should be increased by more than 3 thousand kilometers, up to 53,5 thousand kilometers total length.