09 Марта 2025 | воскресенье | 17:07

Gazprom completing Bovanenkovo field pre-commissioning

Марта 13, 2012

Pre-commissioning work entered its final stage at the first startup complex of the Bovanenkovo field. Gas produced from the field was conveyed to the comprehensive gas treatment unit (CGTU) module 1.

This process step is required to complete hot testing of the CGTU as well as for comprehensive testing of equipment at the first startup complex within the Bovanenkovo field pre-development.

Simultaneously, construction of the Bovanenkovo – Ukhta gas trunkline system (GTS) string 1 aimed at accessing the Yamal gas nears its completion. The first string which is about 1,240 kilometers long has almost been welded up. Testing of the constructed sections is in progress. The Baidaratskaya main compressor station is currently being prepared to receive gas.

Construction of the GTS string 2 aimed to gradually become operational between 2013 and 2015 has been launched. To date, some 50 kilometers of the linepipe have been welded up, more than 300 kilometers of large-diameter pipes have been delivered.

“The startup complex of the Bovanenkovo field has entered the home stretch. Adjustment of the gas production systems located in Yamal is to be done and the gas transmission facilities created for gas supply to the mainland are to be synchronized. In June the first gas produced from the Bovanenkovo field will be delivered to the customers ahead of schedule,” said Vitaly Markelov, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee during the inspection of construction sites.

The Yamal Peninsula is a region of Gazprom's strategic interests. Commercial development of Yamal will increase local gas production to 310–360 billion cubic meters per annum by 2030. Accessing Yamal is fundamentally important for domestic gas production growth.

32 fields were discovered in the Yamal Peninsula and its offshore areas with aggregate A+B+C1+C2 reserves and C3 resources reaching 26.5 trillion cubic meters of gas and some 1.64 billion tons of oil and condensate. The Bovanenkovo field is the most significant one on the Yamal Peninsula as its A+B+C1+C2 gas reserves amount to 4.9 trillion cubic meters.

In December 2008 Gazprom commenced practical implementation of the Yamal megaproject. The Company started operations aimed at the Bovanenkovo field development and the Bovanenkovo – Ukhta gas trunkline system construction. Projected gas production from the Bovanenkovo field is estimated at 115 billion cubic meters per annum to be increased to 140 billion cubic meters in the long term.

In November 2011 the Gazprom Management Committee resolved to feed the first Yamal gas into the Unified Gas Supply System ahead of schedule – in June 2012. Previously, it had been planned to launch the Yamal gas production in the third quarter of 2012.

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