10 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 03:01

E.ON Russia received results of endependent expert examination on Joint Implementation Projects

Апреля 12, 2012

Independent expert examination confirmed that the total reduction of GHG emissions as to three projects implemented by E.ON Russia JSC and registered as Joint Implementation Projects, amounted to 1,411.4 thous. tons in 2011.

In early April, the Company received the independent expert opinion as to the reports on projects progress for the projects implemented in compliance with Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol.
The expert examination was effected by Bureau Veritas Certification company, having confirmed that in 2011 GHG emissions reduction as to two 400MW CCGT at Surgutskaya GRES-2 amounted to 674.9 thous. tons, as to 400MW CCGT at Yaivinskaya GRES – to 354.6 thous. tons, as to 400MW CCGT at Shaturskaya GRES – to 381.9 thous. tons.
In future emission reduction units will be commissioned and transferred to the buyer. E.ON Carbon Sourcing GmbH is the partner of E.ON Russia JSC.
E.ON Russia JSC sold the first quotas amounting to 56.9 thous. tons on Joint Implementation Projects in December 2011.
In 2010-2011, three projects on CCGT construction by E.ON Russia JSC were approved for implementation within the framework of Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol. These are the CCGT units of Shaturskaya GRES, Surgutskaya GRES-2, and Yaivinskaya GRES with the total capacity of 1,600 MW. Owing to high efficiency of the combined heat and power technology with 56-57% KPI, when new power units are in operation, emissions are reduced by approximately 4 mln. tons by 2012.


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