10 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 05:51

TATNEFT Introduces Efficient Crude Oil Recovery Methods

Апреля 19, 2012

The technology of limiting water flow into the producing wells of OAO TATNEFT by the use of synthetic resin based compositions (KFS Technology) is applied in terrigenous and carbonate reservoirs producing wells characterized by the presence of an oil-water zone.

The development of TatNIPIneft specialists is based on application of compositions comprising polymeric materials and synthetic resins and it is protected by patent of the Russian Federation No.2405803.

The development combines the advantages of using both polymeric materials having high elasticity and synthetic resin based compositions having high strength, and it is intended to limit the influx of the formation highly mineralized water to production wells.

The composition is prepared directly at the well site using standard equipment used in the petroleum industry. The technological process is based on the usage of domestic inexpensive and easily available chemicals.

The composition injection into the reservoir is performed with application of standard equipment through the existing filter when the bottom water comes into the formation from a perforated monolithic bed or through special holes shot in the top part of the aquifer.

Benefits of the technology include possibility of using both fresh and saline water for the composition preparation, as well as low viscosity and high penetrating ability of the injected composition. After injecting the composition into the layer the screen is formed, characterized by stability to the aggressive action of reservoir fluids and high pressure drop due to high ductility, high strength and adhesion to the formation rocks, which impedes the water movement to the well.

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