The model of Taguslkoe, with estimate oil reserves at 1.7 bln bbl (3P PRMS), has been developed by specialists of Tyumen Petroleum Research Center (part of TNK-BP Group) on the basis of previously obtained exploration data, with application of advanced technologies, and constitutes one of key stages of the asset development action planning. New commercial oil flow came from the reservoir section recommended for testing by specialists of the Northern West Siberia Exploration Department, TPRC.
At present, over 20 prospect and exploratory wells have been drilled at Tagulskoe, over 777 km2 has been covered by 3D seismic activities, pilot development is underway. This year, testing of exploratory well 25 and prospect well 15 will be completed to be followed by drilling of exploratory well 21 and prospect well 26. Drilling of another prospect well is scheduled for 2013.
Sergey Biryukov, Project Manager and General Director of LLC Tagulskoe, pointed out as follows: “Tagulskoe commissioning is scheduled for 2019. By that time, we expect reserves potential and quality enhancement and the field model update on the basis of wildcat well drilling and 3D seismic data interpretation’.