It is a joint project of OJSC SUEK and the international consortium CoMet to be implemented in 2011. The EU 7th Framework Program allocated a monetary grant of 802 thousand euro. For these monetary funds two flare container gas disposition units KGUU-8 and a container heat power station KTES Pro 2 (Germany) capable to generate 0.4 mW/hour of electricity were purchased.
The KTES features a gas generator custom made for this project by the company MAN, Germany. The UD&UM carried out the installation of the equipment.
The area operated by Komsomolets mine was chosen as the place of operation. The holes drilled here for unworked coal degasification drain methane of high and low concentration to the surface.
Industrial tests showed the possibility of burning the produced mixture in the experimental mini-heat power station and correspondingly of further wide use of this methane disposal technology in the EC countries.