10 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 18:36

Company “Quadra - Power Generation” Will Replace more than 2 Km of Heat Grids in Kursk in 2012

Июня 27, 2012

The Kursk branch of the company “Quadra - Power Generation”, within the framework of implementation of the 2012 retooling and reconstruction program, will replace more than 2 km of heat grids in one pipe length equivalent in Kursk.


The total amount Kursk Generation plans to assign for reconstruction of the Kursk heat grids in the current year exceeds RUR 55 million.
“This year we plan replacement of pipes at long sites. Despite a great volume of works, we shall try to reduce to minimum the periods of disconnection of hot water for consumers in these areas by way of switching from one heat main to another one,” Mikhail Chefranov, director of the Kursk branch of JSC “Quadra - Power Generation” said.
Now the specialists of a contracting organization hold excavations, dismantle an old pipeline and install a new pipeline at two sites in the city of Kursk – in K. Marxa and Shkolnaya Streets. The specialists will replace pipes of 400 mm in diameter by the ones of a greater diameter - 500 mm, in certain places at the site along K. Marxa Street. It will help to increase transmission capacity of the heat grid, which will improve conditions of delivery of heat carrier. Besides, there will be an opportunity of connection of new consumers to the centralized system of heat supply.
The Kursk branch of the company “Quadra - Power Generation” holds reconstruction of thermal grids with application of pipes in polyeretbane foam (PF) insulation. Use of such materials enables lowering losses of thermal energy considerably. Besides, they are more durable. Also, replacement of sleeve joints by corrugated expansion joints will be held during reconstruction, which do not demand additional service and exclude losses of system water.
According to the approved schedule, all works related with reconstruction of heating systems will be completed by the beginning of the heating season. Implementation of the project will enable lowering losses in the centralized system of heat supply of the city of Kursk, reduction in repair expenses when exploiting pipelines, and will raise reliability of heat supply of consumers.
Besides, within the framework of preparation for the heating season, the Kursk branch of the company “Quadra - Power Generation” holds hydraulic tests of thermal grids. Such tests help to localize and repair in due time “weak” places in the technical condition of pipelines, thus raising reliability of heat supply of consumers during the heating period.
A joint is a device eliminating the influence of various factors (temperature, pressure, position, etc.) on the condition and operation of systems and devices. It is implemented in the form of linings, fillers and other devices.
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