The workshop organized by Rostechnadzor was attended by heads and leading specialists from Rostechnadzor, SEC NRS, Rosenergoatom and Atomenergoproekt on the Russian side and heads and leading specialists of the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN), EDF utility and officials from the French Embassy in Russia.
The sides exchanged general information on stress tests conducted in Russia and France and on reviews of stress test reports in regard of: degrees of protection against natural extreme external events; preparedness to manage loss of in-house power accidents and loss of the ultimate heat sink; and preparedness for severe accident management.
It was noted that the methodology of the additional safety assessment of nuclear power units and outcomes of the work done were very similar in both countries that confirmed that they had taken the right path.
Besides, a joint interest was expressed to carry out a similar exercise in 2013 as regards the review of post-Fukushima action plans to improve safety at Russian and French NPPs.
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