The amount of additional shares Stroytransgaz had actually placed reached 464,434, all securities being uncertified registered ordinary shares. Total value of receipt from the placed shares has reached 2,136,396,400 RUR. STG Holdings Limited has become the new owner of the securities.
The share of the actually placed securities in the total amount of additional issue to be placed made 10.8810%.
4,268,286 uncertified registered ordinary shares (nominal value - 25 RUR each) were placed by private offering. The total amount of the additional issue by nominal value was 106,707,150 RUR.
Under the decision of STG’s Board of Directors, the placement price of 1 (one) additional ordinary registered share of Stroytransgaz was 4,600 RUR. Thus, the total volume of the additional issue considering the placement price reached 19,634,115,600 RUR.