12 Марта 2025 | среда | 09:07

The Meetings of Ignalina Programme Monitoring Comittee Were Held

Октября 21, 2012

During the meetings the progress of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (INPP) decommissioning process, as well as the efficiency of human resources, time and funds planning and management processes were assessed.

Representatives of the Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Finance, European Commission, Central Project Management Agency, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, State Nuclear Power Safety Inspectorate, State Enterprise Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, Ignalina, Visaginas, Zarasai municipalities administration took part in the meetings.

During the meetings improvement of decommissioning management issues was discussed. The new organizational structure of Ignalina NPP was presented to the participants of the meetings. The objective of these organizational changes - to improve the enterprise's ability to plan, projects management quality, to define the activities and responsibilities in order to avoid functions overlapping and to organize enterprise‘s activities in a more effective way. INPP representatives informed, that INPP structural changes were planned in order not only optimize the management of the enterprise and projects management but also to ensure that the enterprise's activity planning would help to guarantee the implementation of the INPP strategic objectives - to implement as many projects as possible by the INPP internal resources.

During the meetings the participants assessed planning, management and monitoring processes of power plant's equipment and buildings dismantling and decontamination projects, as well as the efficiency of energy saving tools. Ignalina NPP representatives introduced the progress of INPP decommissioning projects implementation. The implementation progress and future perspectives of dismantling and decontamination projects, project B19 (Landfill Facility for Short-lived Very Low and Intermediate Level Short-lived Radioactive Waste) and project B25/1 (Near Surface Repository for Low and Intermediate Level Short-Lived Radioactive waste) were assessed. It was informed that the construction of Buffer Storage Facility of Landfill Facility for short-lived very low level waste (projects B19-1) was completed, "hot tests" were accomplished, construction completion certificate was signed. Issue of the license which will allow Ignalina NPP to commence safe operation of Buffer Storage Facility for Very Low Level Radioactive Waste is the last stage of project B19-1 implementation.

Exceptional attention was paid to the unique project UP01 (INPP Unit 1 and 2 Reactor Dismantling and Decontamination Feasibility Study) which is being implemented by INPP. UP01 was initiated as an internal project which will provide INPP personnel an opportunity to maximally use their knowledge and experience. The project manager informed about the progress that has been achieved during the survey of the reactor's materials. Also, the fact was welcomed that all the scheduled activities were performed. As a positive example, removal of 2 reflector cooling channels and 16 fuel channels for radiological surveys was presented, other engineering works are underway, including development of project documentation. The participants of the meetings commended the progress of the UP01 project implementation and wished for closer cooperation with Lithuanian and foreign specialists while implementing this unique project.

The representatives of Ignalina, Visaginas and Zarasai municipalities administration presented the EU funded urban energy efficiency upgraiding projects implementation progress and their implementation problems.

The participants visited the Interim Spent Fuel Storage Facility (project B1) and the Solid Waste Storage Facilities (project B3/4) construction sites, where they were informed on the progress of the projects and their implementation problems. They also visited inside the power plant and were introduced to the accomplished projects and ongoing dismantling activities. Also, the participants of the meetings met with the representatives of Zarasai municipality administration and discussed the implementation progress of Zarasai town energy efficiency upgraiding programme.

European Commission (EC) representative noted that the progress in the field of INPP decommissioning and management organization is visible. He commended the planned structural changes of INPP, as well efforts and results of energy saving and effective use of funds. According to the EC representative, the progress of INPP decommissioning process is obvious and serious difficulties are encountered only during implementation of the projects B1 and B2/3/4. It should be understood that these projects are key for safe and timely implementation of nuclear power plant decommissioning project, nevertheless, INPP decommissioning is not just implementation of these two projects, therefore, it is essential to keep in mind the examples of INPP decommissioning good practices.

Ignalina Programme is the financial instrument of the European Union intended to support Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant decommissioning and the measures related to it in the sector of the Lithuanian Energy.


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