The interest in the project was acquired by LUKOIL from Canadian Talisman Energy (the project operator). Another project’s shareholders – Petronas (25%) and Prontinal (20%). Block, covering an area of 2200 sq. km with the sea depth varying from 100 to 3000 m, adjoins SL-05-11 Block, where LUKOIL is an operator. An exploration well is currently being drilled on the Djembe structure from Stena DrillMax rig.
The Petroleum Agreement for the block was initially signed in 2003. The first exploration phase of the contract area (over 300 line km of 2D seismic, and over 1000 of 3D seismic survey) was completed in 2009. As a result thereof, several potentially productive targets were identified. Besides, earlier, i.e. in 1982, an exploration well was drilled in a shallow part of the block to the depth of over 2400 m, which hit oil shows in the Albian and Cenomanian deposits.