12 Марта 2025 | среда | 15:07

Mining Equipment Gets Upgraded at Borodinsky Open-Pit Mine

Ноября 13, 2012

At Borodinsky open-pit mine affiliated to SUEK-Krasnoyarsk excavator ЭКГ-10 No. 262 had its mechanical system partially upgraded and electrical system fully upgraded.

State-of-the-art instrument panel, automatic switching unit, new controlling joysticks - every item in the cabin has been adapted to provide operating comfort and convenience. The excavator operator Anatoly Kokh is beaming - the machine has completely changed after upgrading.

"The excavator operates smoother and with much lower noise, Anatoly Yakovlevich explains. The faults occur rarely now, we forgot when we called for service engineers!"

The excavator's smooth travel and low level of noise are brought about by its electric system upgrade. Employees of Nazarovsky Mining Administration specializing in installing, assembling and servicing the mining equipment fitted the 262 model with state-of-the-art low-voltage and high-voltage devices, replaced all electric cables. The main benefits of modern electric equipment are compliance with safety requirements and failure-free performance.

Reducing the operational failures was also the main purpose of upgrading the mechanical system of the machine. This time they replaced the saddle bearing in the excavator and installed a new, technologically advanced hoisting mechanism. Dismantling and installing the equipment - the excavator's crew has been repairing the machine for two months. The miners were aided by the manufacturing plant personnel and the employees from the section specializing in repairs of the open-pit mining equipment.

ЭКГ-10 No. 262 was upgraded under the investment project underway since 2007. During this period seven excavator models, such as ЭКГ-8ус, ЭКГ-10 and ЭКГ-12,5 had their electric systems upgraded at the open-pit mine and now feature comfortable seat/control panel units, controlling joysticks, modern instruments.

Re-equipment of each excavator was worth over 10m roubles on the average. However, it is plain even now that the money was not wasted. excavator operator work conditions have improved, the number of failures has considerably decreased, machines' accident free operation time has increased.

"The first example is excavator ЭКГ-10 No.125 operating at wastedumps, which stopped working only once for 2 hours due to an electric system fault, maintains Alexei Matukhno, the chief mechanic of Borodinsky open-pit mine, confirming his words with examples. Such good reliability indicators displayed by the equipment in replaced control stations have motivated us to continue intensive replacement of stations. Secondly, the equipment was made compliant with the effective rules of operating the electric installations, which increased workplace safety."

At present, it is the crew of excavator 167 that is upgrading the mechanical system of their machine. "We replaced head blocks on the excavator, the travel sprocket, says Vladimir Lifirenko, the senior operator of excavator ЭКГ No.167 at Vskryshoi section of Borodinsky open-pit mine. - We are preparing a site for a new upgraded lift-gearbox. We'll be replacing the lift gearbox - the primary component lifting the bucket for dumping or filling."
Improvement of mining equipment will be continued next year - three more mining machines are planned for upgrading in 2013: two mechanical shovels and a walking excavator.

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