This is 2 million litas more than in the previous year.
Eighteen auctions have been organized for realization of unnecessary property formed during implementation of the decommissioning projects. Not only Lithuanian, but also Russian and Ukrainian customers participated in the auctions. In 2013, about 4850 tons of equipment are planned to be sold. A part of this equipment will also be sold during the actions.
Effective realization of the property was achieved by the following means:
Reliability of the auction participants was ensured by the pledge determined in the terms and conditions of participation in the auction;
The real competition between the participants and transparent selling process were ensured;
It was sold for the highest price proposed (during the auctions the price increased by an average 10 per cent);
Close cooperation of INPP departments ensured the justified determination of the complex equipment selling price and effective drawing of potential buyers.
In order to ensure the most effective use of the money of the enterprise and to manage the property, Ignalina NPP management has taken all the measures to ensure the transparency of public procurements and the procedures of auctions. It is expected that it will encourage Lithuanian and foreign businesses to take an active part in the INPP announce public procurement tenders and property selling auctions.