13 Марта 2025 | четверг | 05:27

Additional Production Resulting from Application of DCP Technologies Amounted to 5 Million Tons of Oil

Января 14, 2013

The JSC TATNEFT is rapidly developing technologies of dual completion and production (DCP) of two or more layers through one well ensuring efficient fields operation.

As of January 12, 2013 the number of DCP units amounted to 1,605 with the cumulative production in the amount of more than 5,000,000 tons of crude oil.  
Application of the DCP units allows to simultaneously operate targets with different reservoir characteristics and properties ensuring increased profitability of individual wells by connecting to them other development targets or different productivity layers of the same development target. The number of the DCP and DCP&I (production & injection) units was 1,180 as of January 12 with the total additional production from the start of operation amounting to more than 4,146,410 tons including 113,479 tons produced in December 2012. The average increment of crude oil production rate per well from the beginning of the units operation amounted to 3.66 tons per day.
Also the method of dual completion and injection (DCI) was successfully used at the Company's fields. As of January 2013, there were 425 injection wells operating with application of this technology. The total amount of water injected to intermingled layers through the DCI wells amounted to 13 million cubic meters since the beginning of the wells operation. The incremental crude oil production from the responding production wells amounted to 858,056 tons including 22,260 tons produced in December.


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