14 Марта 2025 | пятница | 04:28

GAZELLE Gas Pipeline Commissioned in the Czech Republic

Января 22, 2013

Gazelle gas pipeline was commissioned in the Czech Republic, PJSC Stroytransgaz participated in the construction of the said pipeline.


Czech Prime Minister Petr Nečas, Russia’s Ambassador in the Czech Republic Sergey Kiselev, the Managing Director of NET4GAS (the Customer Company) Thomas Kleefuβ, and the President of Stroytransgaz Vadim Gurinov et al. attended the commissioning ceremony.
The gas pipeline, diameter 56”, length 166 km, crosses the Czech Republic from North to South and is an extension of the Russian-European NORD STREAM pipeline. In the North Gazelle is connected to the German OPAL gas pipeline which is a land branch of the underwater NORD STREAM pipeline crossing the Baltic Sea. In the South, the pipeline is connected to MEGAL gas transportation system, by which the Russian gas is exported to the South of Germany and France. Therefore, the launch of Gazelle practically opens the door to the South and South-Eastern Europe for the Russian gas.
Stroytransgaz completed design and construction of the Border Delivery Station Brandov as a part of the project, as well as 52.3 km section of the pipeline lying in the challenging terrain.
“Completion of the Gazelle pipeline construction is a historic event for the gas transportation system of the Czech Republic and Europe”, President Vadim Gurinov noted, “Our company was entrusted with the most complicated section of the pipeline. We implemented the advanced technologies, and managed to preserve the unique environment of the Ústí Region. Stroytransgaz is proud to be a part of this project, strategic for many countries, and we have done our best for its successful completion”. 
Projects like Gazelle were not implemented in the Czech Republic for over 20 years. Such a large project was last performed in 1985, when a transit pipeline was laid from East to West of the country. Construction of Gazelle pipeline has been the largest Russian-Czech joint project in the Czech Republic in recent time.
Capacity of Gazelle gas pipeline is intended for as much as 30 billion cub.m. of gas per year. The new way of the Russian gas will contribute to consolidation of Czechia’s and other European countries’ energy security and ensure supplies of the Russian natural gas to Europe.
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