TNK-BP is consistently implementing a comprehensive program aimed at minimizing the impact of its operations on the environment. The Company is the industry's leader in terms of the amount of investment in environmental programs – during the last five years it allocated ca. 40 bn rubles for these purposes.
In 2012, within the framework of the program the Company carried out a number of activities, including legacy oil sludge pit remediation and drill cuttings pit remediation with efficient drill cuttings treatment, as well as remediation of the adjacent land. The Company has handed over for treatment over 50 k m3 of oil sludge, out of which 29 k m3 was treated in 2012.
"The issues related to safe operations and environmental protection at the Company operating locations are TNK-BP's priority areas of focus. To minimize environmental impact and in accordance with the highest international standards adopted in the Company, TNK-BP is increasing investment in environmental programs aimed at priority areas of focus for solving environmental protection and restoration tasks in an efficient and integrated manner," says Oleg Dimov, TNK-BP's Vice President, Branch Director, "TNK-BP Orenburg".