13 Марта 2025 | четверг | 22:45


Krasny Kotelshchik Ships Equipment for Kazanskaya CHPP-2

Февраля 07, 2013

PJSC “The Taganrog Boiler-Making Works “Krasny Kotelshchik” (the main manufacturing facilities of PJSC EMAlliance is a part of the power plant concern OJSC Power Machines) has shipped the first assemblies for the Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs) for Kazanskaya CHPP-2.

Figures Demonstrating Results of Operations in January 2013

Февраля 07, 2013

The production volume of TATNEFT Group of Companies amounted to 2,236,001 tons of crude oil with the above-the-plan production amounting to 51 526 tons (102.4%).

Power Machines complete the reconstruction of hydraulic unit No. 4 at Cheboksarskaya HPP

Февраля 06, 2013

Cheboksarskaya HPP (RusHydro JSC) together with Power Machines OJSC have completed the reconstruction of another hydropower unit - that one under plant’s number 4.

Turboatom tested and delivered by the last shipment of a wicket gate for Kievskaya HPP

Февраля 06, 2013

OJSC "Turboatom" tested and delivered a shipment of a wicket gate for Kievskaya HPP (aggregate No 18). In the presence of the customer guide vanes passed the functional test, the results of which signed the act of acceptance of the fact that all the monitored parameters comply

Surgutneftegas maintains crude output grown

Февраля 06, 2013

In January 2013, Surgutneftegas produced 5.214 mn tons of crude oil. Compared to the first month of 2012, added crude output exceeded over 1%.

SUEK’s enterprises mined 97.5 mln tons of coal in 2012

Февраля 05, 2013

For 12 months of 2012 the enterprises of the OJSC Siberian Coal Energy Company (SUEK) mined 97.5 mln tons of coal. Against the similar period of the previous year increase in the volume of mining was 6%.

Enel Green Power: new photovoltaic plants enter service in Greece

Февраля 05, 2013

EGP places 19 new photovoltaic plants into service in Greece, for a total installed capacity of around 42 MW, as well as a further 15 MW operated by ESSE, an equal joint venture with Sharp.

Bashneft announces preliminary results for 2012

Февраля 04, 2013

Bashneft crude oil production rose 2.2% year-on-year to 15 437 thousand tons in 2012 (112 690 thousand barrels)*. Average daily crude oil production amounted to 42.2 thousand tons per day (308.1 thousand bbl per day).

SUEK-Kuzbass sets up its own suspended locomotives fleet

Февраля 04, 2013

Under an investment project, SUEK-Kuzbass operations receive 25 diesel railway engines produced by BECKER (Germany) and FERRIT (Czech Republic). The aggregate value of the equipment is 467 mln roubles.

The Time@work reporting system for working hours has been implemented at Gazprom International

Февраля 04, 2013

The Time@work reporting system for working hours has been successfully implemented at Gazprom International and operation and maintenance of the system has also been begun.

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