13 Марта 2025 | четверг | 03:59


Introduction of the Continuous Improvement System at RORC Saved more than $80 Million in 2012

Января 20, 2013

The economic effect from the implementation of the continuous improvement program at Ryazan Oil Refinery Company (RORC, a TNK-BP Group company) amounted more than $80 mln in 2012.

Joint company for South Stream gas branch construction to Croatia to be set up in second half of 2013

Января 19, 2013

Led by the Company's Management Committee Chairman Alexey Miller, a Gazprom delegation made a business trip to the Republic of Croatia.

CPC Signs Facility Agreement

Января 18, 2013

The Facility Agreement approved by the Caspian Pipeline Consortium shareholders was signed in London between a group of banks and the Company.

TNK-BP to Double Severo-Khokhryakovskoe Field Production in 2013

Января 18, 2013

TNK-BP informs that it has launched a pilot project to drill wells with multistage fracs in its Severo-Khokhryakovskoe field (estimated ABC1 reserves of 55 mln tons).

Turboatom continues shipping the equipment for Ekibastuz TPP-1

Января 18, 2013

In January 2013 OJSC "Turboatom" shipped to the customer low-pressure cylinder and rotor for unit No 2 of Ekibastuz TPP-1 (Kazakhstan), and also auxiliary equipment and the receiver.

LUKOIL signed an Amendment to the Contract for West Qurna-2 field in Iraq

Января 17, 2013

An Amendment to the Development and Oil Production Contract for West Qurna-2 field in Iraq was signed today in Baghdad by President of LUKOIL Vagit Alekperov and authorized representatives of Iraqi state-owned North Oil Company and South Oil Company.

Gazprom Neft's alternative aircraft fueling station at Sheremetyevo completes first refueling

Января 17, 2013

The alternative aircraft fueling station (AFS) owned by Gazpromneft-Aero , Gazprom Neft’s aviation fuel business operator, has begun refueling aircraft at Sheremetyevo International Airport.

TNK-BP Lifts Uvat Oil Reserves to 22.6 Million Tons in 2012

Января 17, 2013

LLC TNK-Uvat (a subsidiary of TNK-BP) boosted oil reserves in the fields of its Uvat project by 22.6 million tons in 2012 through an efficient program of exploration activities.

Zapolyarnoye becomes most productive field in Russia – 130 billion cubic meters per year

Января 16, 2013

The Taz District of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area hosted today the celebrations dedicated to bringing the Zapolyarnoye field to its full design capacity, i.e. 130 billion cubic meters of gas per year.

Surgutskaya GRES-2 sets a new maximum yearly output

Января 15, 2013

Surgutskaya GRES-2 branch of E.ON Russia JSC hit the electricity generation record set in 2011 – 38,828 billion kWh which was considered an absolute record from the time of power plant commissioning.

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