01 Марта 2025 | суббота | 13:38


Chelyabinsk OFAS Russia lawfully fined “Chelyabinsk Grid Company” OJSC 200,000 Rubles

Сентября 22, 2010

Chelyabinsk Regional Arbitration Court confirmed validity of the fine imposed by the Chelyabinsk Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (OFAS Russia) upon “Chelyabinsk Grid Company” OJSC for violating the Information Disclosure Standards by a participant of retail electric power market.

”Russneft” intends to buy assets in Russia and abroad

Сентября 22, 2010

One of the largest Russian oil companies OJSC ”RussNeft” plans to buy new assets in Russia and abroad, CEO Mikhail Gutseriev has told to reporters. Answering a question, whether the company is planning further acquisitions, he said: "Definitely."

Arkhangelsk OFAS Russia lawfully fined “TGK-2” OJSC

Сентября 22, 2010

Yaroslavl Regional Arbitration Court dismissed the claim of “TGK-2” OJSC on invalidating the determination of the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service in the Arkhangelsk region (OFAS Russia), which imposed an administrative fine upon “TGK-2” OJSC (RUB 300,000).

RussNeft reduces rates

Сентября 22, 2010

“Russneft“ agreed to a debt restructuring with its major lenders - Sberbank and Glencore. They agreed to reduce the annual interest rate on loans from 12 to 8%. This will save oil company 200 million dollars a year, which it’s planning to direct at investments in existing and new projects.

Meeting of Joint Coordinating Committee between Gazprom and China National Petroleum Corporation

Сентября 22, 2010

Beijing hosted the 8th meeting of the Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC) between Gazprom and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) under the chairmanship of Alexander Ananenkov, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee and Wang Dongjin, Vice President of CNPC.

JSC FGC UES and Hyundai Heavy Industries signed Agreement on interaction on certifying equipment, technologies and materials

Сентября 22, 2010

JSC FGC UES delegation headed by the Deputy Chairman of the Management Board Roman Berdnikov visited the Republic of Korea. Within the visit the Agreement on interaction between JSC FGC UES and Hyundai Heavy Industries was signed on certifying equipment, technologies and materials.

OKBM Afrikantov will supply two BN-800 reactor installations to China

Сентября 22, 2010

Africantov OKB Mechanical Engineering OJSC (OKBM, Nizhny Novgorod) is going to supply two BN-800 fast neutron reactor installations to China.This information was provided to journalists by Director, General Designer of OKBM Dmitry Zverev.

JSC FGC UES enhances reliability of electric power transit to Finland

Сентября 22, 2010

JSC FGC UES Branch - Backbone electric grids (MES) of North-West started reconstructing substation 330 kV Kamennogorsk (Leningrad region). Works are conducted within the project of expanding Vyborg converter complex.

FAS permitted Atomredmetzoloto to increase its share in Karkhu Geology LLC up to 100%

Сентября 22, 2010

Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (FAS) granted the petition of Atomredmetzoloto OJSC (ARMZ) on acquisition of a 49% share in the equity capital of Karkhu Geology LLC.

Startup of the forth power unit reactor of Beloyarsk NPP is planned for the 1st quarter of 2013

Сентября 22, 2010

Startup of the forth power unit reactor of Beloyarsk NPP in Sverdlovsk region is planned for the 1st quarter of 2013. This information was provided by General Director of Nizhny Novgorod OKBM Afrikantov Dmitry Zverev.

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