10 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 16:31


Gazpromneft-Aero sees tenfold rise in overseas refueling for Volga-Dnepr Group

Августа 16, 2013

Gazpromneft-Aero Volga-Dnepr Group have entered into an agreement regarding fueling services for cargo flights at 26 foreign airports.

Krasny Kotelshchik ships equipment for Slavyanskaya TPP

Августа 16, 2013

Taganrog Boiler-Making Works Krasny Kotelshchik (the main manufacturing facilities of PJSC EMAlliance, a member of the power plant concern OJSC Power Machines) has shipped hot and cold end heating elements for modernization of Regenerative Air Preheater RVP-68 for Boiler TPP-200-1 of Slavyanskaya TPP.

Izhorskiye Zavody successfully accomplished reactor vessel hydro-testing for the second Novovoronezh NPP-2 unit

Августа 16, 2013

Reactor vessel manufactured by Izhorskiye Zavody, part of OMZ Group, for the second Novovoronezh NPP-2 unit has successfully passed hydrostatic testing.

Baltic NPP: a routine meeting of the construction control panel held

Августа 16, 2013

At Baltic NPP a routine meeting of the plant construction control panel was held. The meeting was chaired by Alexander Polushkin, the Senior Vice President for Project Management at NIAEP.

Rosatom’s proposal on the nuclear energy development in South Africa envisages the creation of 15 thousand jobs in the country

Августа 16, 2013

The Nuclear Industry Association of South Africa (NIASA) is holding its annual industry convention in Port Elizabeth on August 14-16, 2013. At this convention Executive Vice-President of JSC Rusatom Overseas Boris Arseev presented the report «Rosatom Global Nuclear Opportunities».

Servis-Invest to Upgrade Two Substations in Dnipropetrovsk Region

Августа 16, 2013

In 2013 Servis-Invest (DTEK) is upgrading the substations Zakhidnodonbaska and District CPP supplying electricity to industrial companies, households of Ternovka town and the nearby settlements in Dnipropetrovsk region.

Uranium One Inc. puts out an advance buy-back option on the bonded loan and announces placement of a new issue of bonds

Августа 15, 2013

Canadian-based company Uranium One Inc. (with controlling stake owned by ARMZ Uranium Holding Co.) announced its offer of advance buy-back of a 01 series bonded loan, placed in December 2011 (with the size of equity offering being 14.3 billion rubles, yield rate - 9.75% per annum, assumed circulation period - 10 years with a buy-back option after 5 years).

Eesti Energia and Nelja Energia open new wind farm in Paldiski

Августа 14, 2013

Two Estonian energy companies - Eesti Energia and Nelja Energia - opened jointly a new wind farm at the northern end of Pakri peninsula. A total of 18 new turbines rated at 2.5 MW were erected on the peninsula. Nine are owned by Eesti Energia and nine by Nelja Energia.

Finland-based Fortum performs a supervisory audit of JSC PIMCU

Августа 14, 2013

Representatives of the Finland-based company Fortum visited JSC PIMCU (an enterprise of ARMZ Uranium Holding Co.) to perform a supervisory audit.

Rosneft and SOCAR Sign Cooperation Agreement

Августа 14, 2013

On August 13, 2013 Rosneft and State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) executed the Cooperation Agreement.

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