11 Марта 2025 | вторник | 05:34


Acquisition of an indirect controlling interest in OJSC Raspadskaya by EVRAZ plc

Октября 05, 2012

EVRAZ has agreed to purchase a further 50% interest in Corber Enterprises Limited from Adroliv Investments Limited, a company owned by the sellers, which holds an 82% interest in Raspadskaya.

TNK-BP to save $30 mln in 2012 by implementing a lean production program

Октября 04, 2012

TNK-BP reports that its pilot program of lean production based on the principles of Toyota Production System (TPS), has reaped an economic benefit of $12.8 mln based on the results of the past 9 months.

President of LUKOIL meets with Iraq leadership

Октября 04, 2012

President of LUKOIL Vagit Alekperov has met in Baghdad with Prime Minister of Iraq Nouri al-Maliki, Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Hussain al-Shakhristani and Minister of Oil Abdulkareem Luaibi.

Gazprom Marketing & Trading to conduct the world's first LNG vessel passage through the Northern Sea Route

Октября 04, 2012

LNG tanker ‘Ob River’ chartered by Gazprom Marketing & Trading group and operated by Dynagas (Greece) will carry out the world’s first LNG vessel passage through the Northern Sea Route (NSR) this month.

Gazpromneft-Aero enters US market

Октября 04, 2012

Gazpromneft-Aero has for the first time refuelled an aircraft in the United States of America, at Tucson International Airport, Arizona, USA, for Volga-Dnepr Airlines.

Wintershall invests in Libya and builds new pipeline

Октября 03, 2012

With investments of more than two billion US dollars and over 150 wells sunk, the BASF subsidiary Wintershall is one of the largest oil producers in Libya. The company has been active in crude oil exploration and production there since 1958.

Gazprom and GAIL enter into long-term LNG purchase and sale contract

Октября 03, 2012

Gazprom and GAIL signed a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Purchase and Sale Contract. The document stipulates annual supplies of Russian LNG in the amount of 2.5 million tons for a period of 20 years.

LUKOIL Overseas signs new PSA to explore offshore block in West Africa

Октября 03, 2012

In Abidjan, the capital of the Republic of Cote-d'Ivoire, LUKOIL Overseas (subsidiary of LUKOIL) has signed with the government of the country a production sharing agreement on offshore block CI-524 in the Gulf of Guinea.

Alstom will supply, operate and maintain wind turbines for Queiroz Galvao

Октября 02, 2012

Alstom has signed two contracts totaling €270 million with Queiroz Galvão, one of the main infrastructure groups in Brazil.

INTER RAO UES Group completes consolidation of its Russian generation assets

Октября 02, 2012

INTER RAO UES Group has completed reorganization of its Russian power generation assets and transferred the generation facilities, earlier consolidated into JSC OGK-1 and JSC OGK-3, into ownership of JSC INTER RAO UES — Electric Power Plants, a wholly owned subsidiary of JSC INTER RAO UES.

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