11 Марта 2025 | вторник | 01:49


New Technologies of Well Construction Are Being Implemented at TATNEFT

Сентября 19, 2012

TATNEFT is implementing proven new efficient technologies of wells construction, among which is application of annulus swelling packers.

Three-fold drop in sulphur emissions at Narva Elektrijaamad

Сентября 19, 2012

The introduction of new sulphur treatment equipment at Narva Elektrijaamad has resulted in a three-fold drop in the emission of sulphur dioxide from the plants into the ambient air since the beginning of the year.

ТNК-ВР Starts Development Drilling in Orenburg Region’s Morgunovskoe Field

Сентября 19, 2012

OJSC Orenburgneft (part of the ТNК-ВР Group) has started development drilling in the Morgunovskoe oil field located within the Buzulukskiy license area, with total reserves of ca. 16 mln tons. Thirteen wells are planned to be drilled there till the end of the year.

Enel brings electric mobility to the Vatican

Сентября 18, 2012

The Enel infrastructure will be used to recharge the electric vehicles utilised by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI to travel around Vatican City and for use at his summer residence in Castel Gandolfo.

The Open Meeting of the Seimas Committee of Foreign Affairs With the EU and NATO Ambassadors Will Be Held at Ignalina NPP

Сентября 18, 2012

On 19 September 2012, Committee of Foreign Affairs of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania will hold an open meeting in Visaginas with the participation of the EU and NATO ambassadors on the subject "Ensuring Lithuania’s Energy Security: The Role of Nuclear Energy".

Alstom will supply air quality control systems in Taiwan and Romania

Сентября 18, 2012

Alstom Thermal Power has secured key contracts in Taiwan and Romania for the supply of air quality control systems (AQCS) for a total amount exceeding €160 million.

Efficient Technologies to Enhance Oil Recovery

Сентября 17, 2012

Pursuing the aim of enhancing oil recovery the specialists of OAO TATNEFT apply modern technologies such as EOR methods using xanthan biopolymer based composite systems ("Xanthan" technology).

LUKOIL begins seismic survey on Black sea blocks

Сентября 17, 2012

The 3D seismic acquisition survey, carried out by LUKOIL Overseas, LUKOIL’s subsidiary, is underway on East Rapsodia and Trident blocks in the Romanian Sector of the Black Sea.

RUSNANO leads investment in Lilliputian Systems’ $60 Million equity financing

Сентября 17, 2012

RUSNANO and Lilliputian Systems, Inc. (Lilliputian) are pleased to announce the closing of $40 million of a planned $60 million equity financing round, led by a $25 million investment from RUSNANO, headquartered in Moscow.

Enefit Technology Industries became the representative of Elex in the Baltics

Сентября 14, 2012

Swiss engineering company Elex AG and Enefit Technology Industries signed a cooperation agreement, which makes the subsidiary of Enefit the sole representative of Elex technology in all three Baltic States.

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