10 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 06:18


Gazprom Neft selects contractor to test wells at Badra

Мая 17, 2012

Gazprom Neft has announced the results of the tender to select a contractor to test and complete eleven wells at the oil field in Badra, Iraq. The contract, worth around US$95 million, was awarded to U.S. oil field service group Halliburton.

Gazprom and Bulgaria implementing South Stream according to schedule

Мая 17, 2012

The Gazprom headquarters hosted a working meeting between Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Company's Management Committee and Delyan Dobrev, Bulgarian Economy, Energy and Tourism Minister.

Fitch Assigns Russia's Bashneft 'BB' Rating; Outlook Stable

Мая 16, 2012

Fitch Ratings-London/Moscow-14 May 2012: Fitch Ratings has assigned Russia’s Joint Stock Oil Company Bashneft (Bashneft) Long-term foreign and local currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDR) of 'BB' and a National Long-term rating of 'AA-(rus)'.

TNK-BP and Independent Experts Devise Integrity Action Plan for Largest Pipeline in Yamal

Мая 15, 2012

CJSC Rospan International (a subsidiary of TNK-BP) jointly with independent technical supervision organizations has begun devising a plan of action to improve quality control and safety standards during construction of an inter-field pipeline in Yamal.

Alstom and RusHydro Start Joint Construction of a Hydropower Equipment Manufacturing Plant in Bashkortostan

Мая 14, 2012

JSC RusHydro announces beginning of a joint construction with Alstom of a hydropower equipment manufacturing facility in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Eesti Energia lays cornerstone for Auvere power plant

Мая 14, 2012

The cornerstone for a new power plant was laid. The new power plant will be completed by the end of 2015 and will be called Auvere power plant. The generating capacity of the plant is rated at 300 MW.

Nanosponges soak up oil again and again

Мая 14, 2012

Researchers at Rice University and Penn State University have discovered that adding a dash of boron to carbon while creating nanotubes turns them into solid, spongy, reusable blocks that have an astounding ability to absorb oil spilled in water.

INTER RAO UES and JSFC Sistema settle the terms of Bashkirenergo reorganization

Мая 12, 2012

JSC INTER RAO UES and JSFC Sistema signed an agreement on the terms of reorganization of JSC Bashkirenergo in which they hold about 25% and 50% voting share stakes respectively.

Management of MRSK Holding to be Transferred to FGC

Мая 12, 2012

The Government of the Russian Federation, the majority shareholder of the MRSK Holding, the largest electricity distribution company in Russia, has just informed us about its decision to transfer the functions of the sole executive body of MRSK Holding to Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System, the Russian electricity transmission company.

Nord Stream to Assess Options to Further Increase Gas Import Capacities Through the Baltic Sea

Мая 11, 2012

The Shareholders of Nord Stream AG have asked the company to conduct a feasibility study of possible options to further increase the capacities to transport natural gas from Russia to the EU through the Baltic Sea.

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