04 Марта 2025 | вторник | 09:59


Alstom delivers the first 812 MW runner to the Xiangjiaba hydro electric dam in China

Июня 01, 2011

Alstom has successfully delivered the first 812 MW runner – the core component of a hydro turbine - to the site of the Xiangjiaba hydro electric dam currently under construction in China.

Gazprom to invest RUB 500 million in gasification of Altai Republic in 2011

Июня 01, 2011

The village of Chemal (Republic of Altai) hosted a working meeting between Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee and Alexander Berdnikov, Head of the Altai Republic and Chairman of the Altai Government. The parties addressed implementation of the bilateral Cooperation Agreement.

Power Machines produce third runner for hydraulic unit of Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP

Июня 01, 2011

Power Machines have produced, tested and handed over to the customer’s representatives the third hydraulic turbine runner for one of the new hydraulic units of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP (SSh HPP).

E.ON accepts the will of the political majority concerning the future of nuclear power and expects to receive appropriate compensation for the financial damage

Июня 01, 2011

Decisions concerning the country’s energy policy framework are always taken by parliament and the government.

Nation-wide significance of Gazprom’s efforts in Altai Republic

Июня 01, 2011

The village of Chemal (Republic of Altai) hosted a meeting between Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee and Alexander Berdnikov, Head of the Altai Republic and Chairman of the Altai Government. The meeting was dedicated to delivery of regional gas transmission and gasification projects.

New omni-directional wind turbine can capture wind energy on building rooftops

Июня 01, 2011

The IMPLUX, under development for several years, and recently field tested in Singapore, relies on a central chamber that has been specially designed to capture wind as it comes from any direction and then to propel it upwards towards the turbine, accelerating it, without allowing any of it to escape.

Shtokman Development AG signed an Agreement on cooperation with Admiral Makarov State Maritime Academy

Мая 31, 2011

In St.Petersburg Shtokman Development AG (SDAG) and Admiral Makarov State Maritime Academy made the Frame Agreement on cooperation. The document was signed by Kirill Molodtsov, SDAG Vice-President and Valery Mikheev, Head of Academy.

EMAlliance acquires Duro Dakovic

Мая 31, 2011

EMAlliance has completed its transaction for acquisition of 100% of shares of Duro Dakovic (Croatia), the biggest European company manufacturing boiler and heat-exchange equipment.

Krasny Kotelshchik started shipping equipment for Kurakhovskaya TPS

Мая 31, 2011

Taganrog Boiler-Making Works (main production site of JSC EMAlliance) started shipping equipment for Kurakhovskaya TPS (Ukraine) weighting about 713 tons. Currently, coil bundles, headers, tube protection are shipped to the Customer, as well as shipping of radiant superheater and other equipment was started.

Shtokman Development AG was invited to the parliament hearings “Legislative support for gas industry development”

Мая 31, 2011

The State Duma held the parliament hearings “Legislative support for gas industry development”. The hearings were organized by the Duma Committee for Budget and Taxes.

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