04 Марта 2025 | вторник | 21:59


CEA and AREVA sign an agreement to collaborate on the design of the Advanced Sodium Technological Reactor for Industrial Demonstration (ASTRID)

Ноября 10, 2010

AREVA and CEA have signed an agreement on initial design studies for a prototype of the fourth-generation sodium-cooled fast reactor known as ASTRID.

Siemens to generate revenue of over €40 billion with green technologies in 2014

Ноября 10, 2010

In fiscal 2014, Siemens wants to exceed the €40 billion revenue mark with green technologies. In fiscal 2010, Siemens generated revenue of around €28 billion with products and solutions from its Environmental Portfolio, compared to slightly less than €27 billion in fiscal 2009.

“Novocherkasskgorgaz” unlawfully refused to install gas service to a residential house

Ноября 10, 2010

“The antimonopoly violation revealed by our Office constituted the grounds for opening the antimonopoly case, as a result of which the Rostov OFAS Russia fined “Novocherkasskgorgaz” OJSC 100,000 Rubles”, said the Head of the Rostov OFAS Russia, Mr. Vadim Korneev.

RUSAL requests minutes of Norilsk Nickel Management Board meetings

Ноября 10, 2010

UC RUSAL, the world’s largest aluminium producer and owner of a 25% stake in MMC Norilsk Nickel, today announces that it has sent a request to MMC for the company to provide copies of the minutes of the meetings of the executive committee for 2010.

BelNPP-2: a visit of FSUE “PA “Mayak” delegation to the construction site of power unit No. 4

Ноября 10, 2010

Representatives of FSUE “Production Association “Mayak” visited Beloyarsk NPP-2 under construction. They examined the construction site of the future 4 th power unit of the nuclear power plant where the specialists told the guests about the current state of facilities being erected.

Gazprom's Public Statement on draft gas law consultations at the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania

Ноября 10, 2010

JSC Gazprom (“Gazprom”) as a shareholder in AB Lietuvos Dujos (“LD”) provides this statement in the context of the public consultation regarding the draft gas law on November 9, 2010 at the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania (“Lithuania”).

Power Machines company is to participate in the project to upgrade Cheboksarskaya HPP operated by RusHydro JSC

Ноября 09, 2010

Turboremont VVK, JSC – a subsidiary of RusHydro, JSC – and Power Machines signed a contract to upgrade an impeller of the hydraulic unit No. 16 at Cheboksarskaya HPP.

"Saratovneftegas" increased net profit in the III quarter by 31%

Ноября 09, 2010

OAO "Saratovneftegas" (incorporated in NK "RussNeft) in the III quarter of 2010 received net profit in amount of 558,554 million rubles, says the report of the company.

Power Machines integrated its production divisions

Ноября 09, 2010

According to a decision made by Power Machines’ Board of Directors the company’s two production divisions – Leningradsky Metallichesky Zavod and Turbine Blades’ Plant – are to be integrated, and the latter, i.e. Turbine Blades’ Plant division, is to be dissolved as a legal entity.

Vologda HPP 110 MW CCGT PP main equipment foundations construction has been launched

Ноября 09, 2010

CJSC Intertechelectro is going on to build the Vologda HPP 110 MW/75 Gcal/h CCGT power unit. OJSC Regional generating company #2 is the customer.

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