03 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 21:33


Gazprom to buy several gas distribution stations from Novosibirsk Oblast Government

Декабря 16, 2010

Tomsk hosted today a working meeting between Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee and Vasily Yurchenko, Governor of the Novosibirsk Oblast.

OJSC TNK-BP Holding shares admitted to trading at MICEX and RTS exchanges

Декабря 16, 2010

OJSC TNK-BP Holding announced today that it has received approval from MICEX and RTS for its shares to be admitted to trading at these Russia’s main stock exchanges. Trading of both TNK-BP Holding ordinary and preferred shares will commence on 16 December 2010.

RUSNANO and S-Group Ventures to Invest in RMT, Producer of Innovative Thermoelectric Units

Декабря 15, 2010

The Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies has announced that it will invest 150 million rubles in automated mass production of thermoelectric micro coolers, cooling systems, and related devices, a project proposed by Russian company RMT.

Russia and Mongolia Approve the Terms and Conditions of Dornod Uranium Joint Venture

Декабря 15, 2010

Rosatom State Corporation for Nuclear Energy, Mongolian Nuclear Energy Agency, ARMZ Uranium Holding Co. (JSC Atomredmetzoloto) and LLC MonAtom entered into an agreement containing the procedure and key terms of formation of Dornod Uranium JV pursuant to the inter-governmental agreement for establishment of Dornod Uranium Limited Liability Joint Venture, dated August 25, 2009.

Wintershall plans additional heavy investments in Norwegian exploration and development activities

Декабря 15, 2010

Wintershall is making good progress on the path to becoming one of the most important operators in Norway: at the German-Norwegian energy conference “Energy Security” in Berlin, Martin Bachmann, Member of the Board of Executive Directors of Wintershall and responsible for Exploration and Production, said he was pleased with the company’s activities in northern Europe.

Gas transmission infrastructure expansion on track in Northwestern Russia

Декабря 15, 2010

Today in Saint Petersburg Alexander Ananenkov, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee held a meeting dedicated to increasing the throughput capacity of the gas transmission infrastructure in the country's Northwestern region.

Subsidiaries of Oil and Gas Company “RussNeft” rendered help to orthodox communities of Novoagansk and Nizhnevartovsk

Декабря 15, 2010

OAO MPC “Agannegtegasgeologia” and ST ZAO “Goloil” , subsidiaries of NK “RussNeft” , rendered charity help tp oethodox communities of Novoagansk and Nizhnevartovsk. The total sum of the assignment exceeded 200 thousand rubles.

BP Agrees to Sell Upstream Interests in Pakistan to United Energy Group Limited

Декабря 14, 2010

BP announced today that it has entered into an agreement to sell almost all of its exploration and production assets in Pakistan to United Energy Group Limited (UEG).

"Turboatom" will manufacture equipment for Zaramagskaya GES-1

Декабря 14, 2010

OJSC "Turboatom" (Ukraine) has signed a contract to supply power equipment for the Construction Zaramagskaya HPP-1 (North Ossetia, Russia).

Kazatomprom is the first among the national companies of The Republic of Kazakhstan that applied the electronic way of procurement

Декабря 14, 2010

rade and Transport Company LLP, a part of uranium producing Holding JSC “NAC “Kazatomprom”, held the electronic tender for the total amount of KZT 163,646, 252.76 for procurement of materials and equipment to cover the uranium sector enterprises’ requirements.

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