03 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 13:00


"Turboatom" is planning to launch modernized foundry in December 2010

Октября 15, 2010

It is going to be finished upgrading one of the oldest departments of the enterprise - workshops castings and forgings No 50. Updated "foundry" is planned to start in December 2010.

In 2010 "Komienergo" will connect 1,097 individual dwelling zones of the Republic of Komi to electric grids

Октября 15, 2010

More than 1 thousand of new individual residential houses in the Republic of Komi will be connected by IDGC of North-West's branch "Komienergo" to electric grids until the end of the year.

A professor from Moscow State University has given a seminar for Gazprom zarubezhneftegaz’s staff

Октября 15, 2010

A professor from Moscow State University has given a seminar for Gazprom zarubezhneftegaz’s staff Professor Valentina Zhemchugova from Moscow State University gave a seminar at Gazprom zarubezhneftegaz’s offices on a new area of geology - sedimentology.

TNK-BP plans to offer at least 20% of its fuels at exchange floors as of the end of 2010

Октября 15, 2010

TNK-BP sold 442,000 tons of petroleum products via exchange trading in July-September, which is 66% more than in 2Q 2010. Exchange sales of fuels made 17.3% of the domestic sales volume in July-September.

Irkutsk Oil Company participates in the tender selection under the Kyoto Protocol

Октября 15, 2010

JSC “UstKutNeftegas”, a subsidiary of Irkutsk Oil Company has applied for a tender held by Sberbank in relation to sale of ERUs (Emission Reduction Units) under the Kyoto Protocol.

Shell launches phase II of Parque das Conchas

Октября 15, 2010

Shell today announces investment to support phase II of the prolific Parque das Conchas (BC-10) project more than 100 kilometres (62 miles) off the coast of Brazil.

GE Introduces 1-Megawatt Solar Inverter for Projects Worldwide

Октября 15, 2010

GE introduced a one-megawatt (MW) solar inverter at Solar Power International 2010. The new inverter, the largest in GE’s portfolio, is available in both 50- and 60-hertz versions, making it suitable for applications worldwide.

Commissions for valuation of preparedness for operation during the autumn and winter period 2010/2011 will work till 22 October in IDGC of North-West's branches

Октября 15, 2010

The commissions for valuation of preparedness for operation during the autumn and winter period 2010/2011 have been appointed.

Proposals on Kamchatka Krai gasification are to be submitted to Russian President on schedule

Октября 15, 2010

A group of Gazprom experts led by Alexander Ananenkov, Deputy Chairman of the Company’s Management Committee finished its trip to the Far Eastern regions. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky hosted today a joint meeting devoted to Kamchatka gasification.

Gazprom zarubezhneftegaz has conducted negotiations with a delegation from Uruguay

Октября 15, 2010

Within the scope of a working visit to the Russian Federation by Luis Almagro, Minister for Foreign Affairs for the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, a meeting took place between the management of Gazprom zarubezhneftegaz and a Uruguayan delegation, which included Raoul Sendic Rodriguez, Chief Executive of the Uruguay state oil-and-gas company, ANACAP.

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